Monday 4 February 2019

Culture and Historical Background of Kabba and Okun people


Okun people are Yoruba descendants in Kogi state. Kogi is a multi ethnic state and Okun people are up to 20% of Kogi State population, smaller than the other two major completely different tribes, Igala and Ebira. Okun people spread across six local government areas in Kogi State, known as Kabba-Bunu, Yagba-West, Yagba-East, Mopa-Muro, Ìjùmú and Lokoja local government Areas.
They speak varied dialects…Owé, Ìyàgbà, Ìjùmú, Bùnú and Oworo, but their language is generally called Okun, Okun has become a form of greeting among them. They understand one another to a greater extent and large numbers of them speak Yoruba. Their dialects are influenced by various factors. Such factor is that Kogi state shares boundaries with Kwara, Ondo, Ekiti, Niger, Benue, Nassarawa, Anambra, Enugu, Edo and Abuja. Also, The Nupe wars of the 19th century and interaction with the Hausas due to geographical zoning left an indelible
mark on the Okun people and their dialects. 
According to oral source, Okun people migrated from Ile Ife when Yorubas were spreading to occupy more lands, before spreading out, each and everyone was instructed to report to Ile  Ife for a yearly meeting. The man, that led group of young people to a location (now called YAGBA) in Kogi state did not return over a long period of time.
When eventually returned and explained that he lost larger part of his acquired land to some other migrants. He was blamed for the loss and said in yoruba, ''ÌYÀ ÀGBÀ LÓ JEMÍ'' meaning that invasion of his acquired land was due to lack of having elderly people with him. Since then, they started mocking him at Ile Ife, calling him Iya agba . They associated this name with him whenever they wanted to send messages across to him after returning to his occupied area, now called Yagba.
Okun people faced lots of challenges, ranging from geo political zoning, marginlisation and problem of identity. Their problem started during the colonial era when they were politically ceded to the Northern protectorate by Lord Lugard, the Governor-General of Nigeria. The abolition of the provincial and regional administrative units in 1967 led to their merging with Ilorin to form old Kwara state. Then, Igala was merged with old Benue State. However, on 27th of august 1991, Okun people was removed again and merged with Ebira, Igala from Benue state and some other tribes to form Kogi state.
Okun indigenes moved against merging them with completely different tribes but they were forced into this marriage. Since then, Igala and Ebira have used high population to merginlise Okun people politically and in resource allocation. When an Igala man tells you ‘Omi na kaye, ma joje ma mu du’, he is telling you he would consume whatever available in his surrounding. And that is exactly what is presently happening to in their resource allocation. Their efforts to break away and form Okun State, which could make it possible for them to be more closer to their Kiths and Kins in the South West, failed to materialise.
Concerning Identity problem, The Yorubas in South West are trying to link the identity of Okun people to their Kiths and Kins in South West going by history and shared traits but their counterparts who want Okun people to remain a minority tribe in the entity called Nigeria, claimed that Okun people are not Yorubas and Yoruba is only trying to expand their Kingdom. Okun people bear Yoruba names like Edo people, lots of them speak yoruba and many of their settlements are named in yoruba language such as Kajola, Egbeda, Egbeda Ega, Okedayo, Odo Ere, Odo Eri, Ife, Iyamoye, Agbaja, Igbo Nla and Obajana. Even, groups that make up Bunu people of Okun are Okemeta, Okemesan, Akumerindinlogun and Kiri groups.
Kabba kingdom is situated in the Northern hemisphere of the equatorial forests of Nigeria; somewhere around the beginning of the Savannah region. It can be classified as one of the gateway regions to the Federal Capital Territory (Abuja). Kabba serves as a junction of seven major roads from different parts of the country. The advantages of this central location are however not yet evident in its level of development but it has the trappings of a great kingdom with time.
Kabba kingdom is surrounded by mountains and green habitats which make up for a beautiful aerial view.
Kabba is a town in the western senatorial district of kogi state in Nigeria. Kogi state is a multiethnic state with three different tribes and Kabba is located in Okun (the yoruba speaking tribe of the state). Kabba people are referred to as “Owe” people.

More often than not, the story of how Kabba was established have caused controversies as there are different and conflicting accounts from different sectors of the community.
Some group of people claim that Kabba was established by three hunters who were brothers from Ile Ife and were looking for where to settle down after leaving Ile ife, they arrived at a location and decided to settle down there. After some time, they decided to move ahead for further exploration of their new home. They got to another location and decided to offload their belongings; they stayed there for some time but later moved further ahead in search of a better place to stay. The place they finally chose is the “Kabba” we have today.
However, they never forgot their first two settlements; they visited them from time to time and they referred to their first settlement as odo ilu which means “down town” in English Language. That first settlement is now referred to as “Odolu”.
Their second settlement was called “Katu” because that was where they first offloaded.
That is the reason Kabba town is today referred to as “Kabba Oloke Meta” which means (Kabba with three mountains). The three Mountain each representing Odolu, Katu and Kabba (the three settlements.

Another group opined that Kabba was established by a Saudi Arabia prince (known as Obaro Odide) over two thousands of years ago. The prince was said to have opted to leave the comfort of his home due to instability in the arid region. He was said to have settled in many places with his family during his trip before he chose to make “oke-aba” (now Kabba) his final destination.
It is important to note though that the Prince who finally arrived Kabba was not the same as started the journey. Due to the distance and ageing, the first “Odide” (Saudi Prince) died, his son (Odide II) took over and died along the line as well. The prince that finally chose to settle in Oke-aba was infact “Odide V”.
The latter account seems more tenable to me though because in the first prognosis, the early settlers were said to be hunters. Since they were hunters and not tourists, I see no reason they will travel from Ile-Ife to Kabba (over 4hrs by car) just to hunt; considering there were no other means of transportation other than trekking at that time. This means the journey would take take (if not months).

Clans and Hierarchy
It is pertinent to note that Kabba kingdom is divided into three major communities
1. Kabba
2. Katu
3. Odolu
Kabba community is made up of six clans, Katu has three clans while Odolu has five. In essence, Kabba kingdom is comprised of thirteen clans.
The founding father (Obaro Odide) automatically maintained supremacy over the whole of the kingdom during his lifetime. Not much have changed in the traditional hierarchy of Kabba kingdom as his direct descendants who make up the Ilajo clan have maintained the status of the royal family. The Ilajo ruling family is made up of three houses (Mokelu house, Ajinuhi House and Ajibohokun House). The title of Obaro of Kabba was rotated among these three houses.
The supremacy of the Ilajo Royal Family was however put in jeopardy in 1960 after Oba D. O Aka who wasn’t a member of the ruling (Ilajo) family succeeded Obaro Atobatele Ologbonyo Arokoyo as Obaro of Kabba. He reigned for twenty-two years and after his demise, power was returned to the Ilajo Royal family.

Worthy of note is the fact that Kabba operates a tripodal traditional ruling system which is made up of The Obaro, The Obadofin, The Obajemu.
The Obaro is the overall head and is saddled with the responsibility of appointing the two others.
The Obaro is produced by the Ilajo Royal Family in Kabba, Odolu people produce the Obadofin and Otu produces the Obajemu.
Kabba kingdom has been ruled by a total of twenty three “Obaros” till date. Twenty-two of who were said to be produced by Ilajo clan while one emerged from the “Akumejila” clan. Akumejila means twelve clans. The clan is said to be a coalition of twelve of the thirteen clans in Kabba kingdom with the Ilajo clan on another side.

Traditional Titles
Kabba traditional titles are classified into three main groups
1. The Igemo 2. The Orota and 3. The ololu.
All regular traditional titles in kabba fall in this category. People who are bestowed with Igemo titles are referred to as “red cap chiefs”. This is because Igemo title holders wear small red caps called “Odi” in Kabba. All chiefs are accorded high level of respect by the community people. The Igemos however are like the lower house chamber in the traditional council of Kabba Kingdom.

These set of chiefs are above the “Igemo chiefs” in the pecking order as they boast of two traditional titles each. They also wear longer red caps than the “Igemo” to show their supremacy. Orota chiefs are believed to possess supernatural powers which makes them capable of communing with the dead and spiritual beings. For this reason, they are not only highly respected but sometimes feared.

The Obaro is the bearer of the “ololu” title which means “owner of the town”. He is all superior and is saddled with the responsibility of bestowing titles on all chiefs and Orotas. He chooses who gets what and his supremacy can never be questioned.
The indigenous dialect of Kabba people is referred to as “Owe”. Owe dialect is a subdivision of Okun language ; which itself is a division of Yoruba language. In other words, Yoruba language birthed Okun language and Okun language in turn birthed Owe dialect. As a result of this, Kabba people understand and speak the general Yoruba Language effortlessly.
This affiliation with Yoruba means an average Yoruba man can understand (to some extent) the Owe dialect if rapt attention is given to it.
However, civilisation has altered the Owe dialect in some ways as very few indigenes of Kabba speak the indigenous owe dialect these days. What we have now is a concatenation of Owe and general Yoruba dialects.
Below is a list of common household items and their indigenous names in Owe dialect.
– Salt = oun
– Spoon = Ìyanję
– Big spoons = ípøn
– Shea butter = Èkùmę
– Cup = Ìlemù or Ikere
– Cutlasses = Abęri, Ògòdøn, 
– Water pot = àmù
– pot = isa
– Slippers = Ęda
-broken mud pot= apade.
-knife = Uhin or Ihindo
The list continues.

Much like the totality of the language itself, this aspect has not been unaffected by the waves of civilisation or coexistence with other cultures.
Below are some of the basic greetings and common words in typical owe dialect.
Good morning ====> Kouro
Good Afternoon ===> Køhøn
Good Evening =====> Kurølę
Goodnight =======> Odoorø
Well done ========> Kigba
Welcome =========> Kabø
Thank you =======> seun/kuwømi
Till then==========> Odokorin
How are you =====> Are wø
Where to? ========> Kayada? Or Kawęre?
Mother ==========> Iye or mønø
Come and eat =====> A jęun
What did you say? => Kwa hø?
Yes===============> eh or Bę kø.
Sorry =============okun (it is however important to note that the word “okun” is a general greeting and can be used in many varying situations or ways).
Go================> rè/arè
Leave==============> høko
Get up ============> kalę
Sleep =============> hun
Jump==============> tø

More to come
NB: It is a common thing for people attach d “ę” prefix to some of the above words when the are used to refer to people older than them. This is however wrong as the original Kabba dialect doesn’t implement respect but the culture does.

Food and Delicacies
Kabba people like every other gave some special delicacies and meals perculiar to them only. These meals were passed down from the early dwellers and are still prepared till date; though some are not so common.
Some of such meals include :
This is a very common delicacy among Kabba people and it is prepared with beans. Beans is boiled and sieved dry and then fried with palm oil; adding salt to taste.
Akara papa
This delicacy is prepared by grinding Guinea corn with water to form pasty substance. The paste is then fried in palm oil after being shaped with bare hands.
This is a form of beans cake but it is fried with palm kernel oil.
Other local delicacies are akara gbado, didin kolo, bobolo, tankelekan and many more.

Festivals and memorable days
There are many festivals celebrated in Kabba but only a few a very popular. They are
-oro festival
-Egun festival
-new yam festival
-Kabba day

Marriage has always been a very cherished ceremony in Kabba kingdom. In the days of old, whenever a female child is born, they stay a short while with their parents before the parents decide to send them to relatives to serve as foster family. This act was to train the child more and help her learn to adapt to new environment and people.
If any man developed interest in a girl and intends to marry her, he starts by giving her gift items in a bid to get her to like him. By default, the girl first rejects the advances in order not to look cheap. The man on the other hand is expected to persevere till the girl starts getting comfortable with him. The man then starts visiting the family of his wife to be; giving her parents gifts and sometimes money. This is to prove to the girl’s parents that he is serious and financially stable enough to cater for their daughter. The girl’s parents then conduct underground checks on the man’s character, family background and other things to determine if he is worth their daughter. If he scales through the test, he is allowed to bring his parents to seek their daughter’s hand in marriage.
The man (with his family) then visits the girl’s parents with big tubers of yam, wine and kola nuts to make their intentions known. The oracle is consulted to determine the date best suited for the wedding ceremony and to enquire whether the ceremony should be low keyed or glamorous.
After the wedding ceremony, a young girl from the (called Olosumeta) from the bride’s family follows the bride to her new home for three months. This is to prevent the shock of suddenly losing total contact with her family. The young girl returns home after three months.
Historical events
Kabba town boasts of a big archive of historical events but I will pick on only two.

Legend has it that in 1936, a particular man was driving through Kabba and he was obstructed by Kabba Youths who were celebrating a festival; the man was alleged to have threatened to arrest all of them. Later in the evening of that same day, all the youths were alleged to have decided to leave the town; nobody seem to understand the reason for their action.
An elder of the community *name withheld* was said to have pursued them on a horse and eventually brought them back to the town.

In another development, history has it that some people in times past were regularly terrorising Kabba people. Each time the people came, Kabba people would run up a hill while their attackers chased after them. The elders of Kabba were said to sought diabolical help to combat the invaders. One fateful day, the invaders came as usual but as they very chasing Kabba people up hill as usual, the elders ordered an attachment of the rock to fight for them. This attachment was said to have rolled in the direction of the invaders, killing them all.
However, it was alleged that after the operation, the rock couldn’t return to it’s position. It remained on land but has no root. The rock is said to be there till date. The scene of this mass slaughter is called ÌLØHÌN.

Entertainment and pass times
Kabba people have indigenous ways of catching fun. They include
-erin aghere
-ibo tita
-ijó àgùrà
-Igø jijo
-ayo tita
-Ogun e.t.c
Sources: profsomebody and Raymond Ayinla Ajeigbe



We hail from one (or more, if ya parents are from different states of the 36 states of the Nigerian federation. But, many of us do not actually know the meanings or the story behind the names of these states. Iyaniwura has brought that to you. Happy reading: 

As many might have guessed (, Abia is an acronym derived from the name of the four main groups of people in the state as at the time it was formed in 1991. These were the: Aba, Bende, Isuikwuato and Afikpo. Former Governor, Orji Uzor Kalu (hin too dey talk joor) is from Bende while Lambert Ndukwe, one of the richest men in Nigeria in the 50s (he imported stockfish from Northern European nations like Norway and exported cotton back) was from Isuikwato. Afikpo now belongs to Ebonyi State and as for Aba, we all know! Okay, let's roll! 

The area that is now Adamawa State was conquered by Modibbo Adama Bin Ardo Hassan, a warrior of the Ba'en clan of the Fulanis, in the beginning of the 19th century. Modibbo is a Fulani courtesy title that means 'The Lettered/Learned One' (in Hausa, it is Mallam). Modibbo Adama was also the regional leader of the Fulani Jihad led Uthman Dan Fodio in 1804. That made the Adamawa Emirate a vassal state of the Sultan of Sokoto. He hailed from the Gurin region (now a tiny hamlet) and got the green flag (to lead the jihad) in 1806. A man of humble beginnings (father was a local teacher and mother, a simple Shuwa Arab lady, according to some historians), he later founded Adamawa Emirate in 1809. 

A brave warrior of Dan Fodio, he fought at Ngazzargamu (capital of the old Borno Empire now in Yobe State) and was later ordered by his teacher, Dan Fodio, to return home and become the Lamido Fumbina (the Ruler of the Southlands in Fulfulde, the language of the Fulanis) and then carry out the jihad from the River Nile to the Bight of Biafra (shoooo!). He was followed back to his place by Hausa and Fulani (Toronkawa) fighters. Even trainers and instructors came from as far as the Maghreb (now Northwest Africa: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya) and the Ottoman Empire -in the light of recent events in Nigeria, does this ring any bell at all? Think about that for a minute. Thereafter, he conquered many areas and regions (including incursions into Northern Cameroon where we now have mainly Fulani Muslims), moved his capital to Ribadu, then Joboliwo and eventually died in 1847 in Yola, which he also founded but not after he had formed his new state which he named after himself. His tomb is in Gurin, Furore LGA till today and at the height of his power, Adamawa Emirate stretched 103,000 sq km as far as Lake Chad and had as much as 1.5 million inhabitants. Expansion towards the south was prevented by the thick jungle and tsetse fly (dangerous to cattle). He also founded Garoua in northeastern Cameroon. 

Today, his descendants rule as the Lamidos of Adamawa, and the emirate is like the only one in the north in which Hausa is regarded and learnt as a second language. The current one is Muhammadu Barkindo Aliyu Musdafa (a former chairman of the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria) whose father, Aliyu Musdafa, was one of the longest-serving traditional rulers in Africa having spent 57 years on the throne. Adamawa (cattle breed), Adamawa Region (in Cameroon), the 4,000 ft-high Adamawa Plateau called Lesdihosere by the Fulanis (in Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic), Adamawa languages such as Chamba-Mumuye, Kim, Mbum, Wiyaa and Laal are all named after him. Okay, enough of Adamawa before my Akwa Ibom friends start to dey!

One of the richest states in West Africa and the homeland of my much-cherished Ibibio, Annang, Obolo and Oron friends, Akwa Ibom is named after a river, the Qua Iboe (or Kwa Iboe) River. About 20 miles to the entrance of this river is the popular Qua Iboe Offshore Oil Terminal and the Qua Iboe Onshore Oil Field (Oil Mining Lease, OML, 13) (btw, Oando owns 40% of that). 

Translating Qua Iboe itself was not an easy task. Some records indicate that the river emptied itself around a settlement in Ibeno called Aqua Obio (meaning 'Big Town') but early European explorers corrupted it to become Qua Iboe. Today, Aqua Obio includes Mkpanak and its neighbouring settlements. The river itself originates from the Umuahia Hills in Abia State and travels for about 150 km before it flows N-S and then empties into the Atlantic Ocean through Eket, Ibeno LGA of Akwa Ibom State. Its maximum depth is about 10 metres. 

There are fears that discharges from the effluent treatment plants of the nearby Exxon-Mobil company are poisoning the fish and other organisms in the river with heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, lead and chromium. That's according to a very detailed study carried out in 2006 by scholars from the Medical Biochemistry, Chemistry and Animal Science of the Imo State University and the Federal University of Technology, Owerri. See the references if you are interested in the study. Ok, before I forget, Qua Iboe was also the site of Qua Iboe Mission, the third Protestant Church to arrive Nigeria in 1887. The interesting thing here is that the mission was founded by Samuel Alexander Bill, a British missionary and a Member of the British Empire who devoted his life to preaching to the Efik and Annang speaking people of the area. He is buried at Ibeno on the bank of the Qua Iboe River beside his wife, Gracie and his very first convert, David Ekong. Next! 

Okay, this is pretty straightforward. It was derived from the name of the Oma Mbala (Omambala) River (in Ibo, the native name of the river is Ànyịm Ọma Mbala). Anglicize the pronunciation and you have Madam NAFDAC's homestate. The river is quite long o, about 210 kilometers, it is a major tributary of the River Niger, the most important below Lokoja. Yep! Let's keep rolling.

Nicknamed the Pearl of Tourism (check out Yankari). 'Bauchi' is Hausa word meaning the southern flanks of Hausaland. Tribes living in the southern parts of the Hausaland were referred to as kasashen bauchi and the area they lived in later came to be known simply as Bauchi. Then, kasashen bauchi included the areas that we now call Bauchi itself, Plateau State, Northern Niger, Southern Sokoto (that includes Yauri and Zuru) and Southern Kaduna (hello to my Barnawa friends). It was a major center for the slave raiders of the day. In another rendition, the state was named for Baushe, a famous hunter who settled there before the 19th century while another states that 'bauchi' is Hausa word for slavery since it was a center for slave raiders. You decide. 

Famed for being the homestate of our dear President (where the First Lady also known as Mama Ice Cream is also a Perm Sec), Bayelsa is also the place of Samson Siasia and Finidi George. Let's continue before we delve into! How the name came about is quite interesting. In the old Rivers State, it was the tradition to use acronyms when naming the local government areas (LGAs). For example, Brass LGA was simply called BALGA, Yenagoa was YELGA while Sagbama was just SALGA. And since it was the people of these three former LGAs of Rivers State that clamoured and fought for the creation of the state forming the State Creation Movement, the name that they finally agreed upon was this: 
BA + YEL + SA = BAYELSA. Simple. No long thing. 

It is a word from the Batta language 'Binuwe' which means 'Mother of Waters'. Streams forming watershed from the Adamawa Plateau drain into this mighty river and it has its roots in northern Cameroon. Interestingly, the Benue (La Benoue in French, and it was also formerly called Chadda (Tchadda) River) has many tributaries in the Adamawa Emirate. These include the Beti, Kunini and the Lamorde. During the months of August and September, the river becomes very navigable as it reaches its widest and can stretch up to a mile from bank to bank bringing with it flood plain deposits of fertile soils that has made the state one of the best locations for farming in Nigeria. It reaches its lowest level in March and April and stretching for 1,400 kilometers, it is the longest tributary of the River Niger. 

It has been nicknamed the Home of Peace but you will agree with me that that has to be changed asap! The name was derived from 'Borno', an alternative name of the Kanuris who form the predominant ethnic group in the state. Kanuris are also known as Yerwa, Sirata or Beri Beri (known in places like Ilorin as Baruba or Bariba). However, another rendition has it that it means 'Barr Nuh', which is Arabic for 'The Land of Noah' as it was believed that the Ark of Noah landed there after the Flood. Some historians do not subscribe to this because they believe it is a fancy of some Arabists. You decide. 

First, it is Cross River State and NOT Cross Rivers State. And yes, it is Rivers State, not River State. Don't get it twisted. The state took its name from the Cross River (known to natives as the Oyono, and the Manyu River in Cameroon). Flowing through swamps, creeks and inland delta, it joins the Calabar River to end up in the Atlantic Ocean. 

Obviously, it was named for the delta of the River Niger formed as it enters the Atlantic Ocean. The geographical feature formed when a river is about to enter a larger body of water like the sea or ocean is called a delta and there are various shapes. 

Known for having some of the nation's finest rice, yams and richest salt deposits, the state was named after the Aboine River which rises from the Enugu Highlands and cuts through Abakaliki, the state capital. It was formed in 1996 under the military junta of the late General Sani Abacha. Geographical name data supplied by the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, a member of the United States military intelligence community shows the river flowing not too far from Afikpo too, with its main tributary being the Asu River. The river joins Cross River 10 km to the east of Afikpo (see references). During the colonial times, it was known as the Western Aboine River. One of the major activities along and on the river is sand quarrying. Ebonyi is home to the brilliant Nkwa Umuagbogho and the Amasiri-based Ojianyalere Dancers. You need to see their dances to appreciate. Mehn! They are superb dancers! Nigeria is such a rich country, only if we realize this and concentrate on real matters and not the irritating trivialities you see everywhere today. You can enjoy some of the dances here:, Let's go to Benin! 

Hmmmmn, Edo. Initially applied to mean the Bini people (they've always called themselves Edo or Iduu, after the progenitor of the Edo race) of the Benin Kingdom (which existed for about 1,000 years before the British conquered it in 1897), Edo today also means the land itself, the culture and the language. It also refers to the adjoining peoples, cultures and languages. The name appears in the royal title of the Oba of Benin, Omo N'Oba N'Edo Uku Akpolokpolo. I must chip it in here that many of the websites of Nigerian state governments were absolutely useless for any form of information gathering. Some were either propaganda pages for the governor or were just too bad -graphics and all. Some states did not even have any website! No online representation or presence at all! In the 21st century, this is a shame. But I must say that a few states have very outstanding websites. 

'Ekiti' is a term that is said to denote a settlement of many hills. Hills are common geographical features in Ekitiland and are responsible for the division of Ekitiland into smaller kingdoms and subunits. 

Also known as Nigeria's coal city, Enugu derived its name from two local words enu ugwu which means 'top of the hill'. Amazingly, that itself is a derivative of the village of Enugu Ngwo, which is located just to the west of the city. Enugu City itself is not on the hill, it is actually at the base of a plateau but the village is situated right on top of the hill. I hope Governor Sullivan Iheanacho Chime will triumphantly conquer the particular hill he is climbing right now. 

Established as emirate during Jihad by Modibbo Buba Yero, a Fulani warrior and student of Uthman Dan Fodio in 1800, the modern-day Gombe State was carved out of Bauchi State. Gombe was known in the 1930s for its groundnuts and for cotton in the 1950s. Today nko? Gombe is mainly populated by Fulanis and the state has been named 'Gombe' which is the dialect of Fulani language (Fulfulde)spoken in the area. 

This wonderful state is named after the Imo River (Imo Mmiri). Its main tributaries are the Otamiri (a very important river in the state too)and the Njaba, Ulasi, Oramirukwa rivers. According to some, there is a deity (alusi) who owns the river (provides water for fishing, transport and agriculture) and there is a festival for the goddess between May and July during which it overflows its banks. Imo Mmiri is also considered a goddess of fertility and is particularly respected in the Ngwa and Mbaise communities. A bridge crosses the Imo River to connect Rivers State and Akwa Ibom. One of the biggest rivers in Igboland, it starts from the Okigwe/Awka uplands and runs for about 240 km before emptying into the Atlantic Ocean. 

The state was named after its distinctively golden-coloured soil, Jigawa. Jigawa can also be translated to mean sand or sandy in Hausa. The colour is said to stand for the resilience, strength, determination and endurance that comes with living in the dry Sahel and Savanna, in which the state is located. 

In Hausa language, kaduna means crocodiles, in apparent reference to the ones living in the Kaduna River. Simple. Kada is singular for crocodile. 

The legendary Kano Emirate was said to have been established around the AD 999 and it was named after Kano, a blacksmith of the Gaya tribe who settled in the area while sourcing for ironstone (from which iron can be smelted) around the Dalla Hill. Kano itself was initially called Dalla and would eventually be captured by the rampaging British in 1903. 

Founded in cc. 1100, Katsina was named for Katsina, the wife of Janzama, the local ruler at that time. She was also a princess of Daura. 

Of all the 36, I find Kebbi particularly interesting and controversial at the same time. According to the Kebbi Chronicles, the state was founded as a kingdom in 600 BCE by refugees escaping from the Assyrian Empire after its conquest by forces from Babylon and Medes. But that is not all o, in the Chronicles, Mesopotamian kings were listed out as the earliest ancestral kings of Kebbi. It was also deduced that Kebbi (Kabawa) was derived from the Holy Ka'aba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. You really need to read up the scholarly and extremely detailed work of Dierk Lange to get the full gist (see reference on website). 

The name 'Kogi' is a derivation of the Hausa word 'kogi' meaning 'river'. The two biggest rivers in Nigeria, the Niger and the Benue form a confluence in the state. Quite simple, isn't it? 

Created in May 1967 as the West Central State, the name was changed to Kwara (Kuwara, Quarra or Kowara), which is the local name that the Nupes have given to the River Niger which forms the northern border of the state. In Nupenci (Nupe language), Kwara means 'Sea' or 'Lake' of the Nupes. The Nupes are some of the most amazing and enchanting tribes in Nigeria and they live on both sides of the River Niger (in Kwara and Niger States). For the Nupes in Niger State, the same river is also called Edu, and there are already agitations for the creation of an Edu State for the Nupes. Some Hausas also refer to the River Niger as 'Kwara' or Gulbi Nkowora (River Kwara). At almost 4,200 kilometers, it is the 3rd longest river in Africa. #CeendeeMiYeBs!

Now to the legend, the smallest state in Nigeria but as you know na, gidigba o shilekun. In 1861, the Oba of Lagos ceded the area to the United Kingdom thus becoming a colony and was named the Settlement of Lagos and Dependencies. The indigenous name for Nigeria's most popular subregion was Eko (you can add Aromisalegbelegbe if you like) but in the 17th century, the name was changed to 'Lago di Curamo' by the Portuguese traders and explorers after a port in Portugal which bears the same name and then finally called it Lagos. 'Lagos' means lakes (lago = lake) in Portuguese and it was inspired by the many lagoons, rivers and water bodies in the state. The Portuguese were the first Europeans to reach Lagos in 1472. Till today, the Portuguese/Brazilian influence is still very much visible. Shebi you still remember Joao Esan Da Rocha and his descendants, Fernandez, Cardoso, Faustinho, Vera Cruz, Marinho and the rest na. Make una no go add Aguero for there o grin

There is an interesting story here. The founder of the old Nasarawa Kingdom, Makama Dogo had to form his kingdom before the river because doing so beyond the river would mean all his children would turn pagans. Thus, he cited the kingdom before the river and declared victory (Nasara is the Hausa word for victory) and then named the area 'Nasarawa' meaning the 'Victorious'. Please note: that Nasara (derived from Arabic) is also Hausa word for 'Christian' or 'white man' but that does not apply in this context. A very interesting dimension to the origin of the word 'nasara' is that it came originally from the Greek word 'Nazaraios' which meant 'the man from Nazareth'. Later on, 'Nazarene' was the term used to describe the early Christians. This is a direct correlation to the fact that Christ Jesus came from Nazareth, thus the name for his followers. 

The largest of all the 36 in terms of area, the state was named after the River Niger, one of the longest in Africa. Called the nahr-al-anhur or the River of Rivers by the Arabs, the local Tuaregs would later modify the name to become ngereoun meaning the 'big river'. When the Arab explorer, Leo Africanus wrote, he noted it in 1526 as 'Niger' which meant 'black' in Latin, like to mean 'River of the Blacks'. (I hear you o! Exactly what is going on in your mind! LOL!) Especially when you know the meaning of Nigeria....lmao! 

The state of MKO Abiola, Baba Iyabo, General Diya, Professor Wole Soyinka, General Donaldson Oladipupo Diya, Mike Adenuga (rtd), Fela, Tai Solarin, Obafemi Awolowo, Ernest Shonekan, Lateef Adegbite, Prince Bola (Bolasodun Adesumbo) Ajibola and many others is named after the Ogun River. The river courses through the state in a north-south direction before emptying into the Lagos Lagoon and it can be troublesome with its flooding. Among the Yorubas, Yemoja is the mother goddess of women (especially pregnant ones) and of the River Ogun. (Yemoja =Yeye Omo Eja, Mother of Fish-Like Offspring). For some, the river is still worshipped. 

The state was named for the Old Ondo Kingdom. The people inhabiting the area were referred to as the Ondo meaning 'the settlers'. (Kingdoms of the Yoruba by Robert Sydney Smith. P.52, see other references below or on the website). 

The state was named after the River Oshun (or Osun), believed and worshipped by many as the manifestation of Oshun, one of the wives of Sango, the Yoruba god of thunder. There is annual Osun Osogbo Festival in honour of the goddess. It draws many from all over the globe and is usually quite colourful. The river itself drains into the Lagos Lagoon and the Gulf of Guinea (Atlantic Ocean). 

It was named after the Old Oyo Empire, one of the strongest in Africa. Now a much smaller kingdom, Oyo is headed by the Alaafin (the Owner of the Palace). Old Oyo was known as Katunga and is now a tiny location along the Kwara-Oyo border (a nice place for historical excursion if you ask me). The exact meaning of Oyo itself is shrouded in so much controversy, some accounts even suggest that the name was a foreign word imposed by the Nupe warrior king, Tsoede, when he conquered the Old Oyo Empire. And that's where it gets murky. 

This extremely beautiful but scarred and injured state was named for the Jos Plateau, one of the most breath-taking in Africa. The Shere Hills form the highest point of the plateau at a height of about 6,000 ft. Rivers Kaduna, Yobe, Gongola and Hadejia all take their source from the Jos Plateau. I pray lasting peace comes to Plateau State and all of Nigeria. As Nigerians, we have all it takes to rule the world, only if we can shed our bestial tendencies and see the humanity in all of us. Enjoy this piece from the state, you'll see the green beauty and the raw talent that abound in the state full of warm and hospitable people: 

A state criss-crossed by many water bodies, Rivers State (once again, it is not River State) was named for many of the rivers present in the area. Well, this is not funny at all, looking at the barrage of floods the state has had to face, especially in recent times. 

Named after the defunct Sokoto Caliphate, an empire that stretched from Burkina Faso to Cameroon. The Caliphate itself once consisted of more than 30 different emirates. Sokoto (or Sakwatto) is the anglicized version of the Arabic word 'suk' which means 'market' or 'place of commerce'. Sakwatto Birnin Shehu da Bello means Sokoto, the Capital of Shehu and Bello, in reference to Shehu Usman Dan Fodio, the founder of the Caliphate and first Sultan of Sokoto. Mohammed Bello was his son and second Sultan. Upon his death, his brother, Abu Bakr Atiku took over. 

The 3rd largest state in Nigeria and the home of the Chambas, Mumuyes, Jukuns, Ichens, Wurkums, Mambilas and many others, the state was named after the Taraba River which rises from the hills around Gashaka flows into the River Benue as one of its largest tributaries. It flows along the southern flank of the state and is called Teraba in German (Germany actually tried to colonize that area and succeeded to an extent). Taraba itself is a word that has been given various meanings by the locals who bear it as a surname: from the Arabic taraba 'to drink', to 'gardener' or even 'favoured by God'. 

In a place called Fune in this state, there is the Dufuna Canoe which is 8,000 years old. Discovered in 1987 by Fulani herdsmen, it is the oldest canoe in Africa and the third oldest in the world but that is story for another day. The state was named after Komadugu Yobe (Waube or Ouobe) or River Yobe (or River of Yo). In Kanuri, 'komadugu' means 'river', 'a mass of water' or literally 'water place'. It is also called River Yo or Yeou because it passes through a town of the same name and it enters Chad at the town of Bosso. Please note that at that time, Yo (or Yoo, Yeou) was the most important town in the region, crisscrossed by caravan traders while Wau (or Ouo) was just a small village to the east. Based on this, many historians believe that the proper name for the river is Komadugu Yobe and not Komadugu Waube. I hope you get the! 

Mention Zamfara and the next thing that comes to the mind of many is! Carved out of Sokoto State in 1996 by General Sani Abacha (the Khalifa), Zamfara State that we know today was once a bustling Hausa Kingdom from the 10th to the 18th centuries. Like Gobirawa, Kebbawa and Adarawa, the Zamfarawa people are one of the ethnic (actually, more of linguistic groups) in the state. Zamfarawa is one of the subdialects of Eastern Hausa linguistic group and that is where the name came from. In the past, the area was known for revolts, rebellions and for conducting extensive military raids into neighboring towns and settlements. 

See you o! Tired already? LOL! Ok, just one more. Or you thought I'd forget Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory? No! Nigeria's capital city took its name from the ancient Hausa emirate of Abuja which itself was in turn named after a fortified settlement near Zuba by Abu(bakar) Ja in 1828 (meaning Abu the Red (or Fair-Skinned like some Fulanis), ja is the word for red or fair-complexioned in Hausa). In 1976, a panel headed by Justice Akinola Aguda selected Abuja as the new capital as Lagos was then suffering from overcongestion. Abuja was originally established by the ruling Hausa dynasty of Zaria in the 1600s. And did I tell you? ABJ is Nigeria's first planned city. Okay, I guess that's it!